The head is molded with an implant that replaces the bone. Occipital implant surgery Korea.

Among plastic surgery in Korea,'jogak' plastic surgery uses bone cement to perform plastic surgery.

Occipital implant surgery Korea.

Anyone who has a problem with appearance because of a flat forehead will be interested. South Korea's President Song Yong-tae has been flattening through this method for more than 16 years.

Today's video is a video that explains the surgery. You can learn more through YouTube.

Plastic surgery implants developed for medical use are recognized for their safety.

It is a material that has been sufficiently verified by orthopedics.

You can maintain that look just once in your life.

Existing implants have a build-up phenomenon and excitation may occur. But bone cement doesn't have that concern.

Surgery is as simple as about an hour.

If you are worried about the flat forehead or the back of the head, please browse the improved cases through the homepage of the jogak plastic surgery department.

Many people around the world are already performing surgery.

This is a video to learn more about head forming. Please leave a question and we will respond.


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